There are also demon stocksAs for the stocks that institutions don't like,Since December 5, 2014, the turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets exceeded one trillion for the first time, there have been 11 cases in which the turnover of the two cities has exceeded one trillion for 10 or more consecutive trading days, including 4 times in 2021, 3 times in 2015 and 3 times in 2020.
I cann't believe there are still people crying todayDuring the period when the turnover continuously broke through one trillion, the cumulative increase of the Shanghai Composite Index appeared seven times, and the cumulative increase as of December 10th was 19.54%, which was the biggest increase.This way, 3500 this year
The mechanism was thrown high in the first round.Institutions are all slowing down cattle.Slow cattle market